President’s Message
Céad míle fáilte! (A Hundred Thousand Welcomes)
Frederick County Division I, established in December 2015, join women all over the nation in the sisterhood of Friendship, Unity and Christian Charity. As one of Maryland’s newest Divisions we continue to increase our membership and gather in giving of our time, talent and raise treasure to support those in need, perpetuating our Catholic faith and celebrate our Irish heritage.
Meetings are held each month on a Tuesday. Please contact us at for additional details.
Division Officers
- President: Danielle Adams
- Vice-President: Kathleen Moloney
- Secretary: Cathleen Rogers
- Treasurer: Eleanore Jack
- Irish Historian: Maura O’Byrne
- Missions and Charities: Kathy Conaway
- Catholic Action: Bailey Adams
- Mistress-at-Arms: Margaret Kinsela
- Sentinel: Danielle Adams
- Chaplain: Fr. Lawrence Donohoo