Baltimore County Div 14 Installation of New Division Officers
Baltimore County Div 14 Installation of New Division Officers
President’s Message
An Irish Blessing to all! LAOH Division 14 Baltimore County celebrates over 100 years having been chartered in 1911 and is one of the oldest divisions in Maryland. We have the distinction of having the largest membership of any division in the state, and we continue to grow. Despite our large membership, we remain a close knit group of women who work together, and support one another, ever in our motto of Friendship, Unity, and Christian Charity. We enjoy attending the National Conventions and State Board sponsored events which include special masses, fundraisers and socials, as well as marching together with our sisters in the St. Patrick?s Day Parade and assisting at the annual Maryland Irish Festival.
We are proud to have representatives on several State Board committees, including the Annual Mission Festival and Elder Care program and we support the National and State Board charities.
Our division charities are the Viva House, the Mercy Medical Center NICU, and Radio Mass of Baltimore. For 2014 we have also made donations to Caroline Center, Hezekiah Movement, Sisters Academy, as well as Project KIND an IND student group, St. Vincent’s Cemetery (restoration of the old cemetery in Clifton Park) and collected & delivered donations to the Ocean City Irish Outreach Program to the Irish Student Workers on a Summer J-1 Visa.
Our Irish Book Club has become quite popular and has attracted participants from several other divisions! Our book review sessions, usually held at Ryan’s Daughter Restaurant, gives us the opportunity to socialize and become better acquainted.
Our monthly business meetings are held on the fourth Sunday of the month at Villa Assumpta. We have a friendship social with refreshments at 1:00 PM followed by the business meeting at 1:30 PM. We always welcome new members.
Yours in Friendship, Unity, and Christian Charity,
Division Officers
- Chaplain: James Casciotti, S.J.
- President: Ashley Knapik
- Vice President: Margaret Bauer
- Recording Secretary: Margaret Hayes
- Treasurer: Katie McCune
- Financial Secretary: Denny Mullin
- Irish Historian: Lauren Breidigam
- Missions and Charities: Patrice Bell
- Catholic Action: Rita Hundley
- Mistress-at-Arms: Catherine Dolan
- Sentinel: Bea Gibson